See google scholar page for additional information.
Automatic debiasing of neural networks via moment-constrained learning.
Hines, C. L., & Hines, O. J.
Arxiv 2024 (Forthcoming in Causal Learning and Reasoning 2025). -
Demystifying statistical learning based on efficient influence functions.
Hines, O., Dukes, O., Diaz-Ordaz, K., & Vansteelandt, S.
The American Statistician, 2022. -
Oliver Hines and Karla Diaz-Ordazʼs contribution to the discussion of ‘Assumption-lean inference for generalised linear model parameters’ by Vansteelandt and Dukes.
Hines, O. & Diaz-Ordaz, K.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 2022. -
Genetic analyses of the electrocardiographic QT interval and its components identify additional loci and pathways.
Young, W.J., Lahrouchi, N., Isaacs, A. et al.
Nature Communications, 2022 -
Robust inference for mediated effects in partially linear models.
Hines, O., Vansteelandt, S., & Diaz-Ordaz, K.
Psychometrika, 2021. -
Long-term cardiovascular outcomes after orlistat therapy in patients with obesity: a nationwide, propensity-score matched cohort study.
Ardissino, M., Vincent, M., Hines, O., Amin, R., Eichhorn, C., Tang, A. R., Collins, P., Moussa, O., Purkayastha, S.
European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, 2021. -
Causal graphs for the analysis of genetic cohort data.
Hines, O., Diaz-Ordaz, K., Vansteelandt, S., & Jamshidi, Y.
Physiological Genomics, 2020.
Optimally weighted average derivative effects.
Hines, O., Diaz-Ordaz, K., & Vansteelandt, S.
Arxiv 2023. -
Variable importance measures for heterogeneous causal effects.
Hines, O., Diaz-Ordaz, K., & Vansteelandt, S.
Arxiv 2022. -
Parameterising the effect of a continuous exposure using average derivative effects.
Hines, O., Diaz-Ordaz, K., & Vansteelandt, S.
Arxiv 2021.
Presentations and workshops
Causal inference with continuous treatments, a tale of two estimands. Symposium organised by the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (London, UK), December 2023.
Bridging the divide: data science and statistics in academia and industry. Invited Ghent University Seminar (Ghent, Belgium), October 2023.
Demystifying statistical learning based on efficient influence functions. CMStatistics (London, UK) December 2022.
Variable importance measures for heterogeneous causal effects. International Biometric Conference (Riga, Latvia) July 2022.
Assumption-lean causal inference for direct and indirect effects. Joint Statistical Meeting (virtual) August 2021.
Parameterising and inferring the effect of a continuous exposure using average derivative effects. European Causal Inference Meeting (virtual), May 2021.
Causal machine learning workshop. European Causal Inference Meeting (virtual), May 2021.
Peer review service
International Journal of Biostatistics
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Statistica Sinica